Hangzhou Saimusien Environment Technology Co., Ltd.
Производитель товаров по индивидуальному заказу
Основные продукты:Охладитель воды, машина для ледяной ванны, спа-ванна, надувная Ванна
Место в рейтинге 7 бестселлеры в ВанныSupplier assessment proceduresTesting instruments (1)Design-based customizationODM services available
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Very fast shipment. Seller was very responsive to questions. The unit was delivered as shown on the pictures. Don’t forget to consider the pump and fitting connections when determining the purchase. Would definitely recommend this seller.
    same as my review for Chiller as this was a dual purchase. Great customer service and the company took the time to answer my questions. I had a lots of questions!! I waited to write my review until I had a couple of weeks with the ice bath to ensure my review was accurate. So far, happy customer! I did purchase a few accessories once I set up the bath. I purchased a separate thermometer so I can see the actual temp as the machine temp and actual can be slightly different and I purchased insulation tubing as I live in a hot climate to further insulate the hoses to help with efficiency of the chiller. The only thing I might do differently in the future would be to get a smaller tub. I overly estimated the size... which just causes the chiller to work harder. I'm glad I had the space. This was my poor measurement as I thought I should have straight legs in the bath. Next time I will get the next size smaller. Highly recommend!
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    # Лед # ледяные ванны Чиллер
    # Ледяной чиллер для ванны # Водяной охладитель # холодный погружной Чиллер
    Объяснение горячей машины # охладителя воды пунктов продажи # охладило охладитель воды # охладитель воды для ванны льда
    # Водяной охладитель для ледяной бани # Водяной охладитель
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